Sunday, June 29, 2008


Well tonight is the night! At 8 pm I go in to be induced!!! Oh my goodness, I can not believe this 9 months is over!!! It felt like yesterday I just found out I was pregnant!! This has been such a wonderful experience and I will never forget what this has been like for the past 9 months. I have had his little baby growing in me and getting to hear her heart to seeing her on the ultrasound, then being able to feel her kick, watching my belly grow to be a HUGE watermelon!! It sure has been an experience!
I'm soo nervous about tonight, but at the same time its a relief that I know when I am going to have her and so its not ike I'm sitting at work and my water breaks which would terrify me!!! LOL! I am also excited I am FINALLY going to meet my little baby! I hope that all goes well.
I want to say thank you to all of my family and friends that have been here for me through all of this! I love you all sooo much and and I appricate everything you all have done for me and Jeffers!

I love you guys!! I'll keep you all posted on how it went and I'll put up pictures once I get home!!!

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