Emberlyn Torrey Nilsson was born on June 30th, 2008 at 9:56 am. They induced me at around 9:30 the night before. Jeffers, my Mom, and Lexie were there with me the whole night!!! Lexie and my mom didn't sleep at all!!! Jeffers stayed with me the whole time and he did such a good job at coaching me and helping me! I'm so proud! He is such a good dad!! When she was born she had an irregular heart beat so they had the nicu nurses in the room when she was born to check her out, they said she was fine but later that night the nurse could still hear the irregular heartbeat so she had the Dr call in the EKG man and they did an EKG, it all came back normal, the Dr. said he can hear a little heart murmur but nothing to be concerned about! So that is a relief!! She is a perfect littel healthy baby! It was an amazing experience and I have the cuteset baby to show for it! :) We came home yesterday and it feels nice to be back home! Emberlyn makes some of the cutest faces! It is so adorable! She now has this thing where she just sprawls out when she is sleeping with her hands above her head!! It is adorable! I'm not sure who she looks like. Some people say me, and others say Jeffers so we'll see how much she changes!!! I am feeling good (tired but good!) and if anyone wants to come visit you are more than welsoe to come whenever you want!!! Emberlyn would love to meet all of he family!! I love you all and can't wait for her to meet everyone!!! I wanna say thanks you to my Mom, she was there with me the whole time! She is such a huge help! Thanks Mom I love you!
Congrats to you both!! I'm so glad you updated your blog with pictures!!! Hope things are going well for you. I miss you at work!!!Have a great time being a mommy!
Oh I forgot to put her measurments!!! She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz 19 inches long!
Congrats to you both!! I'm so glad you updated your blog with pictures!!! Hope things are going well for you. I miss you at work!!!Have a great time being a mommy!
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