Picture above is of Embers at WalMart driving the Barbie Jeep in the store
Picture below is of her in the horse in the entrance of WalMart she loved it, it was funny!

Here is a funny story, when we went grocery shopping we bought some oranges. I keep them on the counter. Well they were on the counter for about 1 day and then they disappeared. I thought Jeffers had stuck them in the fridge like in the crisper. Then on Saturday Jeffers asked me where they were. I told him I had no idea and i thought he had put them in the fridge. So he asked Ember, she said they were under my bed... ??? I asked her to show me. She took me to the front of my bed and and lifted the bed skirt up and there they were. 4 oranges just chillin.
still not sure why she put them there, but I couldn't be mad because it was just tooo funny!
1 comment:
Britny!!! That is sooo funny about the oranges and it looks like Ember had a blast at Wal-Mart!
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