She is getting pretty big
but is still so small
We took these cute pictures the day I attempted to make flower headbands, like the cute ones you see in the mall for outrageous prices lol, well this is a project I want to finish, I am horrible about finishing my projects but this one I AM going to finish to the end! I am determinded to make these things work. I bought some fake flowers at the craft store and some little metal clippies at Sally's Beauty Supply ( you just clip them on the head band) so I tried hot gluing the flowers on- it worked for about 3 hours max before the flowers fell off... So I am on a mission to find something to get the flowers to stick to the metal clippy! Any one know of anything??? I am thinking I might just have to go with some kind of crazy/ super glue! lol! Anyway, just thought I'd give an update.
Things are going great! Still tired as ever but things are good. You learn to take everythin day by day. I have always wondered how moms did it, and I have especially been wondering that lately, how do women make it to when their kids are old enough to walk, etc.?!?!? Well I think I figured it out! You take it day by day! So that is my plan for a while!
Hopefully I can go back to work soon and start bringing in some moneys again!!! But I don't want to leave Emberlyn, she is my little buddy! I love being with her all of the time, it is going to be so so hard!
Jeffers goes to Bulgeria on the 15th :( :( I'm sad and so nervous to be by myself with a 6 week old baby for 3 weeks but at the same time I am so excited for him to go to a different country and maybe the surrounding countries if he's lucky! What an awesome experience!! I wish I could go too lol!
Hey Britny, I don't know if you found the solution to the flowers staying onto the clip, but there's a cement glue you can find at Walmart in the craft section that keeps those flowers on. I've made them and those flowers are still going strong! :-)
The flowers sure look cute though. Cant wait to see you this weekend. The kids realy want to see Ember
SO cute. I love those headbands too. I have been wanting to make them too, let me know if you figure it out.
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