Alright so summer has been a good busy one! E's birthday was over the top complete with an inflatable pool, bounce house, painting, and a Barbie jeep! E had tons of fun at the first annual cousin camp and 4 th of July was so much fun! Jeffers parents treated us to The Stadium of Fire! The Beach Boys were AMAZiNG!! It was a fun night! J's bday and our 3 yr Anniversary was low key. Ace stArting walking 1 to 2 months before his 1 st birthday! It was a very joyous moment! Ace turned 1 on August 11 th. we had a nice little family party and he had a great time, it was cute! Jeffers was promoted to Team Leader at his work! I am very proud of him and his hard work to get there! Over all I am very proud of him, he has done so well at just working and bettering himself. He is a great husband and amazing father! Another amazing thing he did this year was quit smoking yay! I can't even imagine how hard that would be but he did it!! :)
Oh! Just this last Tuesday, sept 11 th E made her first two soccer goals!!!! The look on her face when she made them were priceless! She was so proud of herself! The first one she made she was SO happy and ran to her coach, Rachel, and hugged her. It was adorable! Rachel and all the other parents were so excited for E. It is pretty awesome having all these awesome peeps around us!
Now time for pic overload!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Weekend
For memorial weekend we headed down to ephraim for Scandinavian Days on Saturday. We met up with Susie, Garrett and his family, and Kate and her family, Aaron came down and surprised his family too. On Saturday it wasn't the best weather, it was very windy but we still walked around for a little bit. We went and had the famous Turkey dinner with Susie and Garrett and Ruth. Ember and Addy got their face painted they each got little butterflies. We went and watched the dancers dance. That is where we met up with Katie and her family. Ember loves hanging out with their cousins!! It is so cute! We stayed the night and so Saturday night Jeffers and I went on a double date with Kate and Budd. We went and saw the Avengers. I have never really been into Marvel comics or anything like that ( I mean come on, I am a girl) but this movie was AWESOME!!!!!!! I loved it!!!!!!! We saw it at the movie theatre that Jeffers broke his arm in when he was a little kid, I got a pic of him next to the stair case he fell off of. I would post the pic but it's on his phone. On Sunday ember went to church with her cousins, I went and visited my friend that just came home from the hospital. She just had identical twin boys!!! They are perfect! I held Odin while I was there he was so little and cute! We drove home Sunday and hung out. On Monday, Carissa came over with my adorable niece, Kambree and we hung out. We had a BBQ at my grandmas. It was yummy! E hung out with Dalt and it must have worn her out cause she has been asleep since 6 pm this evening!
The kids and I came home to my handsome man grilling some yummy chicken! It was a good weekend! I have the most amazing family! I loved hanging out with Kate and Garrett's families and being with my amazing mother in law! They are truly awesome people! Oh! And on saturday night we got to talk to Quinn bob on the phone!! Man, miss that kid! Well I gotta get to bed so I will leave you with pics from the weekend!!
The kids and I came home to my handsome man grilling some yummy chicken! It was a good weekend! I have the most amazing family! I loved hanging out with Kate and Garrett's families and being with my amazing mother in law! They are truly awesome people! Oh! And on saturday night we got to talk to Quinn bob on the phone!! Man, miss that kid! Well I gotta get to bed so I will leave you with pics from the weekend!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Ace is mobile!
Alright I straight up suck at updating my blog but I have got to write stuff down before I forget.
The weekend of May 15th 2012 ace started full on crawling! My boy is getting so big!!! He also has his two bottom teeth and they are adorable! Man I love that kid!!!!
On May 17th 2012 E graduated from preschool. Cutest thing ever. They sang songs and she received a cute diploma. My baby girl is growing up so fast!
We went camping. It was Ace's first camping trip. It got down to freezing temps. We survived. I think we actually might be crazy enough to do it again.
The weekend of May 15th 2012 ace started full on crawling! My boy is getting so big!!! He also has his two bottom teeth and they are adorable! Man I love that kid!!!!
On May 17th 2012 E graduated from preschool. Cutest thing ever. They sang songs and she received a cute diploma. My baby girl is growing up so fast!
We went camping. It was Ace's first camping trip. It got down to freezing temps. We survived. I think we actually might be crazy enough to do it again.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
January Emberlyn 3 years 7 months
Emberlyn had a great January! We went to St George for the new year and spent time with Jeffers' parents. Man, I love those people! Emberlyn had a grand time with grandma and grandpa. She was able to see her Uncle Quinn and Uncle Jay while we were down as well. -Side note- Santa Clara is beautiful! I love that place, I love going hiking in January in just a short sleeve shirt! Perfection. I love that Mark and Susie live in such a beautiful place! SHOUT OUT TO MARK AND SUSIE! Love you guys!!! Ember was such a good hiker when we went out on a hike! I love doing outdoor things with her!
Ember is so smart, she asks me different things and explains things to me so well! She is still loving daycare and preschool. In preschool one week they learned about toads and frogs. They learned about the ocean and even had a beach party! Once a week Emberlyn asks me when her birthday is. I think she is just a LITTLE bit excited ;) She asked me one day what "homey (homie) meant. I told her it meant to make your house homey and cozy and nice. lol. I also explained some people call their friends homies. She kept asking me why someone would call their friend a house. It was pretty funny! We have some our best talks on our way to daycare or coming home from daycare.
Ember loved the aquarium too but she tired of it quickly, it was her 3rd or 4th time there. She did know the difference from the toads and frogs lol! She did get the courage to try and touch a sting ray but she couldn't reach, the water was too deep :( Next time!
Ember almost wrote out her name on a card for Carissa's baby shower! I think it was missing the second e in Ember. Man I am proud of that girl! She is still doing gymnastics with Airtime on their mobile bus!
Embers love you so so so much!!! love, momma
Ember is so smart, she asks me different things and explains things to me so well! She is still loving daycare and preschool. In preschool one week they learned about toads and frogs. They learned about the ocean and even had a beach party! Once a week Emberlyn asks me when her birthday is. I think she is just a LITTLE bit excited ;) She asked me one day what "homey (homie) meant. I told her it meant to make your house homey and cozy and nice. lol. I also explained some people call their friends homies. She kept asking me why someone would call their friend a house. It was pretty funny! We have some our best talks on our way to daycare or coming home from daycare.
Ember loved the aquarium too but she tired of it quickly, it was her 3rd or 4th time there. She did know the difference from the toads and frogs lol! She did get the courage to try and touch a sting ray but she couldn't reach, the water was too deep :( Next time!
Ember almost wrote out her name on a card for Carissa's baby shower! I think it was missing the second e in Ember. Man I am proud of that girl! She is still doing gymnastics with Airtime on their mobile bus!
Embers love you so so so much!!! love, momma
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
January Ace 5 Months Old

My little man turned 5 months old this month. He is a sweetheart!
He is getting so big and has the cutest personality.
Lets see, he had a great Christmas, received mainly clothes and some toys. His clothes are so cute! He looks like a little man.
Ace turned 5 months old here in January he is getting so big!
Ace is getting very good at grabbing for things and holding them. He will hold his bottle by himself. It is cute. He will pull his binkie out of his mouth but can't seem to figure out how to put it back in his mouth yet! He eats solid foods 1 to 3 times a day and drinks sooo much formula! He will not eat his food cold, it has to be at least room temp.
Ace still HATES rolling over. Well at least I think he hates it, he won't do it very often. I have watched him do it before and he just has no interest in doing it! On Saturday he rolled over 3 to 5 times and I was SOOOOO happy, he seemed very proud of himself but since then he hasn't rolled. He sure does seem interested in trying to get up on his knees tho! I think crawling is not very far away for this boy!
Ace LOVES to sit up! He is AMAZING at it if I do say so myself! He is still trying to get the hang of sitting without fall backwards if he loses balance, but he is amazing at it, he will lunge forward to grab something is able to get back to sitting position. His laugh is contagious! We have his 6 month well child appointment on Feb 15th! We will see how big he has grown.
In January Ace had a pretty bad cough so daycare asked I take him to the doctor and bring a Dr note to know he is okay.
I had actually spoke to the nurse the day before and she told me to just watch and if his cough got worse or had a fever. Anyway, we went to the dr and they said he had bronchiolitis , since it was viral there wasn't much we could do. We did do a swab for RSV which came back negative (good thing) anyway we got our dr note and he went back to day care Monday.
Ace loves watching Emberlyn, he always sits and smiles at her. It is soo cute!
We went to Aquarium in Janurary, Ember has been a few times but this was Ace's first time, he loved a little turtle it was adorable!
Ace Ace, I love you sooooo much, you and your sis make everyday amazing! I have no idea what I would do with out you!
He is getting so big and has the cutest personality.
Lets see, he had a great Christmas, received mainly clothes and some toys. His clothes are so cute! He looks like a little man.
Ace turned 5 months old here in January he is getting so big!
Ace is getting very good at grabbing for things and holding them. He will hold his bottle by himself. It is cute. He will pull his binkie out of his mouth but can't seem to figure out how to put it back in his mouth yet! He eats solid foods 1 to 3 times a day and drinks sooo much formula! He will not eat his food cold, it has to be at least room temp.
Ace still HATES rolling over. Well at least I think he hates it, he won't do it very often. I have watched him do it before and he just has no interest in doing it! On Saturday he rolled over 3 to 5 times and I was SOOOOO happy, he seemed very proud of himself but since then he hasn't rolled. He sure does seem interested in trying to get up on his knees tho! I think crawling is not very far away for this boy!
Ace LOVES to sit up! He is AMAZING at it if I do say so myself! He is still trying to get the hang of sitting without fall backwards if he loses balance, but he is amazing at it, he will lunge forward to grab something is able to get back to sitting position. His laugh is contagious! We have his 6 month well child appointment on Feb 15th! We will see how big he has grown.
In January Ace had a pretty bad cough so daycare asked I take him to the doctor and bring a Dr note to know he is okay.
I had actually spoke to the nurse the day before and she told me to just watch and if his cough got worse or had a fever. Anyway, we went to the dr and they said he had bronchiolitis , since it was viral there wasn't much we could do. We did do a swab for RSV which came back negative (good thing) anyway we got our dr note and he went back to day care Monday.
Ace loves watching Emberlyn, he always sits and smiles at her. It is soo cute!
We went to Aquarium in Janurary, Ember has been a few times but this was Ace's first time, he loved a little turtle it was adorable!
Ace Ace, I love you sooooo much, you and your sis make everyday amazing! I have no idea what I would do with out you!
I am so late at my bi monthly updates!
Ember playing with her dollhouse, Christmas morning 2011

Not a good way to start off the new year by being late on updating my blog! Oh well. Life has been crazy busy! I'm just going to jump right in,
EMBERLYN, 3 years 6 months old.
Ember is growing and learning so much everyday! She loves preschool and daycare so much. She has lot of friends there too! Preschool is so much fun for her. She brings home new art projects almost everyday. They are really pushing the kids to learn to write their names. It is so cute to see her write out letters! She is good at it. Ember can count to 10. She can identify letters that begin her name, my name, Jeffers name, and Ace's name. She can actually spell out Ace's name but that is pretty easy.
Man this little girl is my rock! I can see her taking care of me when I am old.
So in December there was pretty much NO SNOW so we had a lack of playing outside. We were busy getting ready for Christmas! Ember and Ace had a great Christmas. Emberlyn got everything she wanted.
Baby girl you are getting so big! I say that every month but you grow so fast, I feel like I blink and you are telling me something new that you learned or you are doing something new. I love you sooo much!!!!
EMBERLYN, 3 years 6 months old.
Ember is growing and learning so much everyday! She loves preschool and daycare so much. She has lot of friends there too! Preschool is so much fun for her. She brings home new art projects almost everyday. They are really pushing the kids to learn to write their names. It is so cute to see her write out letters! She is good at it. Ember can count to 10. She can identify letters that begin her name, my name, Jeffers name, and Ace's name. She can actually spell out Ace's name but that is pretty easy.
Man this little girl is my rock! I can see her taking care of me when I am old.
So in December there was pretty much NO SNOW so we had a lack of playing outside. We were busy getting ready for Christmas! Ember and Ace had a great Christmas. Emberlyn got everything she wanted.
Baby girl you are getting so big! I say that every month but you grow so fast, I feel like I blink and you are telling me something new that you learned or you are doing something new. I love you sooo much!!!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Ace, 4 months old
My little Ace Ace,
This last month was busy with Thanksgiving and all. You were blessed the day after Thanksgiving by your grandpa Mark. It was beautiful, we did it at your Aunt Kate's house. You looked soooo handsome all dressed up in your tux that your grandma Susie got for you! It was ADORABLE! You got to meet all of your cousin's over Thanksgiving weekend. We stayed and Aunt Kate's house for a couple nights. It was really fun hanging out with everyone.
On the Saturday following your beautiful blessing day it was the graveside memorial for your cousins that passed on when they were born.. It was such a beautiful service. Your uncle Garrett's words were very comforting and very reassuring.
You are growing more and more everyday. Your dad got you giggling the other day and it melted our hearts! You also love to suck on your upper lip. It is the most funny thing! It makes a funny noise! You are trying to learn how to sit up. If we prop you up on the couch or the pillows on the bed you use your little stomach muscles and try to sit yourself up. You usually end up rolling onto your side or falling on your face (on the bed of course) it is funny. I think you like going to daycare, the girls there love you.
I wish I could be home with you and Emberlyn everyday.... It makes me sad to think someone else has you all day long.. I know I am still your momma and you know it but I just wish I could see that smiling face all day long. But the thing is I am very blessed to have such wonderful people watch over you while I am at work. They are good people who love and care about you just as much as me and that brings me comfort when I am sitting here thinking about you and Ember.
I love you soooo much little A.J.
random note: On the back of your head you have a double swirl and so the hair on the crown of your head sticks straight up, if you ever want to do your hair in a short, not mohawk style I am apologizing now, I really don't think it will be possible! I love it tho! It is the cutest thing in the whole world!
You went to your 4 month check up on December 14th, you are 14.12 lbs, 25.2 in long and your head is 42 cm. This past weekend you rolled over for you first time from your tummy to back!!! We are soooooo proud of you! On Sunday, December 18th was your first feeding of rice cereal and you loved it! You couldn't eat it too well but you liked it! I love you my little man!
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